

I’m Andrea…I am here for your greatest life shift. I have the specific insights and awareness you need for full transformational awakening.

You’ve been carrying some heavy baggage that you’re ready to release now. It weighs you down, makes living your life a struggle. It’s hard to make any changes … it’s like you’re carrying an old burden basket with you everywhere.

Imagine being at the airport, ready to take off for your next adventure, your mind and heart are ready, even excited. Ugh, you find out you have too much baggage and you have a feeling you don’t even need it anymore. They won’t even let you board the plane with all that stuff.

You finally realize the truth…you can’t go where you really want to go in your life until you lighten up. 

Well…here I am…again, not by accident, but, because you want to shift into a lighter higher vibrational self. You want to lighten up so that you can make wonderful things happen that you know are possible.

You envison the amazing people and experiences that are waiting for you to say yes. The adventure that’s right outside your old, heavy closed door. 

You’re not thrilled with a slow, tedious process of unpacking this stuff…like most therapists and coaches offer.

I’m Your Zapper

Consider me your personal baggage zapper and door opener…I can see and clear so much of your heavy, unneeded stuff in every area of your life, rapidly, each session. You’ll feel lighter and be flying higher, faster than you can imagine to all those great adventures…it’s like magic.

As Patricia Richardson of The Mystical TV Show said, “She enters your field and you are shifted into a whole new life. Magic is the only word I can describe this shift with. I have never seen this on our planet before.”

From one of my clients named Lilly: “I am eternally grateful for everything you taught me. I was originally joking with you about you zapping the stories right out of my life. I now feel like I was zapped into another world. If you were a comic strip figure I guess I could call you The Zapper. You carry a wand that vanishes the suffering stories from our lives and what is left is lightness, compassion for ourselves and others.” 

Life is a Magnificent Adventure

The lighter you are, the more fluidly your life unfolds. The greatest possibilities, the miraculous shifts become your natural way of life. Before you know it…you’ll arrive in the genuine realization of how amazing you are. You’ll consciously relate to other kindred souls and develop caring, evolving relationships. You’ll feel the ‘Aha’ moment when you recognize how precious your gifts are and enthusiastically fulfill your greatest potential.

You’ll find your unique happy places inside and out. Best of all you won’t even know how you got here so quickly.

Reflect on this for a moment…

Have you tried varying types of self-help that leave you with lots of unresolved stuff?

Ready for Miraculous Shifts?

Are you Ready for something ‘out of the box’… very different from what you are used to? Remember…If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

I am a gifted mentor, a ‘soul whisperer’ for over 35 years, whose ongoing results are extraordinary from what is therapeutically normal…in fact, the results are beyond what most people’s minds conceive.

Yet, most clients have repeatedly verified these amazing breakthroughs. See my results page.
Their families shifted as well, through my speaking about them, 3rd party. Not kidding…I have cleared pain and limitations in many children, animals, and spouses this way and have shifted many challenging, even life-threatening situations on the phone.

Some examples of what my clients experience:

  • Restoration of eyesight and hearing
  • Releasing serious allergies and disease
  • Resolving all types of relationship conflicts
  • Highest Recognition for being the best in their field
  • Becoming recognized speakers, authors, artists, poets
  • Receiving significant, amazing employment bonuses and raises
  • Overcoming terrifying fears and phobias of flying, driving, dating
  • Becoming intuitive, directly aware and awake, present and conscious 

Are you ready to wake up and live your greatest possibilities?

This invitation is to the greatest adventure of your life…to a release of suffering as a way of life to the celebration of awakening to your true self…the greatest source of peace, and genuine happiness.

The results are greater clarity, loving awareness, amazing creative abilities and genuine awakening.

As your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs align with your soul mission your deep profound desires actualize.

I am here to clear the way for your soulful awakening.

As our beloved Gandhi said ‘Be the change’.
This is your wake up call, this is our planet’s wake up call;

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